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Patrice Decoeur

Hi, I'm Patrice Decoeur. I've set up my own business, Web Marketing Agency, Targuzo, in 2008.

Patrice Decoeur develop and implement web marketing plans: internet marketing strategy, competitive positioning, improving web visibility, promotional campaign, web analytics, traffic management, web usability, ..., websites creation

Patrice Decoeur's Background

Patrice Decoeur's Experience

Coach formation en Recherche web at Technofutur TIC

2008 - 2010

Web Marketing Consultant at Shirka

2006 - October 2007

e-Marketing consulting

e-Marketing & communication manager at Ubiquick

November 2004 - April 2005

- Development of the marketing and communication plan - Implementation of the marketing plan: competitive positioning, improving internet visibility, promotion, measuring the evolution of the visits to the website and their source - Drafting and publishing newsletters Result: With some partnerships, development of a targeted traffic on the website; 40,000 newsletter subscribers of whom more than 30% visit the company website; search engines and directories top ranking => Sales of market surveys, strategic and operational watch, watch training

Internet project manager at Universite de Franche-Comte

2001 - November 2002

- Advising on website creation, following up on the publication charters, graphics, web architecture, upgrading; web "courses and exams" design and implementation - Staff training: intranet management - E-marketing: benchmarking, search engines and directories submission, ergonomics, documentation management, internal search engine, new publication newsletter Result: dynamic web site, staff involved in the creation and update, web chart appreciated and respected

Company owner at Targuzo


Web marketing manager : - SEO, SEA, Web analytics and usability

Patrice Decoeur's Education


2002 – 2004

Master's degree

Activities: Master in International Marketing & e-Business


1994 – 1996

Bachelor's degree

Concentration: Business/Managerial Economics

College Saint-Barthélemy

Patrice Decoeur's Interests & Activities

Marketing, cinema, cooking, friends, ..., life

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